Personnel de l'université

Frantz ROWE

AIM Past President Head of Master in Consulting and Research IEMN-IAE Board Member, "Systèmes d'Information et Management" Editor, "European Journal of Information Systems"


Pr.Frantz ROWE Institut d'Economie et Management de Nantes - réseau des IAE Chemin de la Censive du Tertre BP 52231 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 tel (33) 2 40 14 17 47 fax (33) 2 40 14 17 49

0276641847 (n° interne : 441847)

Discipline(s) enseignée(s)

Information systems PhD seminar - IT and global competition - Qualitative research methods - Philosophy of science.

Thèmes de recherche

agile methods (DevOps), digital entrapment and critical social theory, digital transformation, research methods, Philosophy and IS

Activités / CV

Professor Frantz Rowe has been serving as a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Nantes, France, since the fall of 1995. Before he was a Professor at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, and an Assistant Professor at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris. He was trained as an Engineer (Master in Engineering) and as an Economist (Master of Arts). He graduated from UC Berkeley in 1985. His Doctoral degree from the University of Paris was awarded in 1991.
His major research areas pertain to individual,  organizational and societal transformations related to information systems projects and use. He has directed several research projects on ERP dynamics, on the design and performance of call centers (including shared or virtual) and on electronic marketplaces. He is now investigating digital effects (addiction, undefined responsibilities, surveillance, discrimination) along with deeper theorization of digital entrapment and related risks.

He has published 85 articles in scientific journals including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Database, Accounting Management and IT, Information and Organization, Journal of Global Information Management, Journal of Decision Systems, Transportation Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management and several books, including as the editor "Faire de la recherche en systèmes d'information (Doing research in information systems)" published in 2002 by Vuibert: Paris. This book was the first effort by the French speaking community to deliver a state of the art in IS (20 chapters). He has been the Editor in Chief of Systemes d'Information et Management, He is still on its Board and Editor Emeritus for EJIS.

He has directed 32 PhD students and was the first Director of the graduate program in IS at the Management Faculty of the University of Nantes. He is currently directing the PhD program in Management. He has been a member of the Board of the University of Nantes and in charge of the IS Policy as its CIO.

He co-founded the Association Information et Management in 1991 and served as Vice President for Research till 1998. He has organized with Professor Jean-Francois Lemoine the « E-marketing » research day for several years at the University of Nantes. He is involved in leading conferences such as ECIS and ICIS. At ECIS he has served the former one as Track Chair for IS and Strategy (Naples and Regensburg) and part of the Doctoral Consortium Faculty in 2006. With Dov Te’eni has been the co-chair for ICIS 2008 in Paris. He is a fellow of the AIS.

Among recent books and papers:
Hémon A., Rowe F., Monnier-Senicourt L., (2020) Orchestrating automation and sharing in DevOps teams: a revelatory case of job satisfaction factors, risk and work conditions, European Journal of Information Systems, vol 29, n°5, pp.474-499, DOI: 10.1080/0960085X.2020.1782276
Rowe, F. Ngwenyama, O. & Richet J.L. (2020). Contact-tracing apps and alienation in the age of COVID-19, European Journal of Information Systems, vol 29, n°5, pp.545–562.
Rowe, F. (2020). Contact tracing apps and values dilemmas: A privacy paradox in a neo-liberal world. International Journal of Information Management, 55, 102178,
Hemon A., Fitzgerald B., Lyonnet B., Rowe F., Innovative practices for knowledge sharing in large-scale DevOps, IEEE Software, vol 37, n°3, 2020, pp.30-37. 
Hemon, A., Lyonnet, B., Rowe, F.  Fitzgerald B., From Agile to DevOps: Smart Skills and Collaborations. Information Systems Frontiers, vol. 22, 2020, pp. 927–945
De Corbière F., Rowe F., Saunders CS., Digitalizing interorganizational relationships : sequential and intertwined decisions for data synchronization, International Journal of Information Management, vol. 48, october,2019, pp. 203-217. 
Markus ML., Rowe F., Is IT changing the world? Conceptions of Causality for Information Systems Theorizing, MIS Quarterly, vol. 42, n°4 , 2018, pp. 1255-1280. 
Rowe F., Markus ML.,  Taking on sacred cows: openness, fair critique, and retaining value when revising classicsEuropean Journal of Information Systems vol. 27, n°6, 2018, pp. 623-628. 
Rowe F.,  Being critical is good, but better with philosophy! From digital transformation and values to the future of IS research, European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 27, n°3, 2018, pp. 380-393. 
Merminod V., Rowe F., Identification de configurations par la méthode Fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis : illustration par la contribution de PLM au respect du temps de développement, Systèmes d'Information et Management vol. 23, n°3, 2018, pp. 71-98. 
Antheaume N., Thiel D., De Corbiere F., Rowe F., Takeda H., An analytical model to investigate the economic and environmental benefits of a supply chain resource-sharing scheme based on collaborative consolidation centresJournal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 69, n°12, 2018, pp. 1888-1902.
Baskerville R., Rowe F., Wolff FC. Integration of information systems and cybersecurity countermeasures: An exposure to risk perspectiveACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems vol. 49, n°1, 2018, pp.33-52. 
Schryen G., Benlian A., Rowe F., Gregor S., Larsen K., Petter S., Paré G., Wagner G., Haag S., Yasasin, E., Literature reviews in IS research: What can be learnt from the past and other fields? Communication of the Association for Information Systems, vol 41, n°1, article 30, 2017, pp.759-774. 
Reix R., Fallery B., Kalika M., Rowe F., Systèmes d'information et management des
organisations, 2016, (7ème édition), Vuibert, Paris.
David M., Rowe F., What does PLMS (Product Lifecycle Management
Systems) manage: data or documents? Complementary and contingency for SMEs. Computer in Industry, vol. 75, 2016, pp. 140-150.
Rowe F., What a literature review is not : diversity, boundaries and
recommendations. European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 23, n° 3, 2014, pp.241-255
Marciniak R., El Amrani R., Rowe F., Adam F., Does ERP integration foster
Cross-Functional Awareness? Challenging conventional wisdom for SMEs and
Large French firms" Business Process Management Journal, vol. 20, n° 6, 2014, pp. 865-886.
De Corbière F., Rowe F., From ideal data synchronization to hybrid forms
of interconnections : architectures, processes and data . Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol 14, n°10, 2013, pp. 550-584.
Besson P., Rowe F. Strategizing information systems-enabled
organizational transformation: A transdisciplinary review and new directions.
Journal of Strategic Information Systems, vol. 21, n°2, 2012, pp.103-124.
Mis à jour le 07 septembre 2024.